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Time Tracker

Effortlessly track time with our intuitive online time tracker. Start, pause, and reset the timer as needed. Stay organized and productive with our simple tool.

Time Tracker

Our Time Tracker is a simple tool to help you monitor and record the time you spend on different tasks or activities. Here's how it works:

Timer Display: The large timer display at the top of the page shows the elapsed time in hours, minutes, and seconds.

Control Buttons: Three control buttons allow you to manage the timer:

Start: Begins tracking time from the moment you click it.

Pause: Temporarily stops the timer. Click again to resume.

Reset: Stops the timer and resets it to zero. It also logs the elapsed time for the current session.

Download Excel: Allows the user to download the session log data in CSV format.

Session Log: Below the timer, you'll find a log of each session's start time along with the duration of that session.

Total Time Tracked: At the bottom of the page, you can see the total time tracked across all sessions. Simply click "Start" to begin tracking time, "Pause" if you need to take a break, and "Reset" when you're finished with your task. The tool will keep a record of your time sessions, helping you stay organized and productive.